Monday, December 24, 2007

Book news

I recently finished off the book on sonship by Sinclaire Ferguson. A great read and one that will be of great benefit all my life. What a privilege to be called a son of God and to be a part of his family.

As I looked over my library in search of a new book, I took up a previous read, Don Carson's "The Cross and Christian Ministry." It has been couple of years since I read it last but it is the kind of paradigmatic book that should be re-read every so often. It is not a large volume but very tightly packed with exegetical thoughts from I Corinthians. The hub for all Christian service and ministry is rooted in the cross of Christ according to Paul. In our day the evangelical church is pursuing techniques all various and sundry but drifting farther and farther from the center of our faith, the cross of Christ. Carson simply amplifies Paul in calling us back to humble orthodoxy.

A book like this is not just for pastors. A book like this is important for small group leaders, ministers, mothers, fathers and everyone else in the church. We are all called to serve. We cannot conveniently leave the service to pastors and others we might be tempted to see as professionals in the church.

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